GIS Consulting
20+ Sustainable
Energy Programs
Navigating the World with Pradhan Consultancy’s GIS Ability
In today’s data-obsessive world, geographic information systems (GIS) are the backbone that joints location-based data with informed data for decision-making. Pradhan Consultancy’s GIS Services is your trusted partner in unlocking the power of geological data information. With a team of professional GIS experts and innovative technology, we bring a world full of opportunities to your fingertips. Our services enclose everything from geographical analysis and mapping to data visualization and planning of infrastructure. Our GIS service includes;
- Geographical Data Collection
- Structural Analysis
- Urban and Regional Planning
- Geo database Development
- Spatial Query and Reporting
- GIS Training and Support
Our Expertise in
GIS Consulting
Our GIS Remote sensing service refers to the survey of geography from a distance through sensors by satellite or drones.
GPS Data
Our GPS data collection service tends to the assembly of the data collected from the GIS survey.
Location-Based Services (LBS)
We deliver the best GIS location-based services to our customers with top-notch solutions.
GIS Project
Pradhan Consultancy presents a GIS project management service for managing surveys in multiple locations.
Advantages of our
GIS services
There are many advantages to adopting Pradhan Consultancy’s GIS services. We have a team of expert professionals who deliver 100% satisfactory results on GIS surveying. Our consultancy already worked on multiple projects for Govt. & private offices, institutions, and many other organizations. The advantages of our GIS service include;
- Customized Solutions
- Latest Technology
- Data Accuracy and Quality
- Data Integration
- Cost-Efficiency
- Transparent Communication